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July 25, 2011

Scrambled eggs cooked on a higher heat until well done so the curds look more defined and bigger

More often than not, simplicity can produce a thing of beauty.

In today’s case, the simple ingredient of egg scrambled into a beautiful, soft and velvety gooeyness spread over a warm, toasted and buttered English muffin is my idea of heaven on a plate. For more creaminess, add a bit of cream or creme fraiche for that touch of luxuriousness. Everyone has their own method of scrambling eggs, such as cooking them ultra slowly, folding over the eggs and adding a large amount of cream as suggested by Australian chef Bill Granger, microwaving them etc etc…. so it’s personal preference in deciding how you want it done.

Creamy and soft scrambled eggs, freshly laid by my chickens, cooked slightly underdone on a lower heat

I’m always in awe of very fresh free range eggs. The yolks are more intensely yellow and you have a better conscience knowing the chickens are living happy natural lives. Better still, I rear my own chickens, sweet little bantam ones of the Pekin variety. Very easy to look after, give them the right food with additional kitchen scraps such as leftover vegetables, rice, pasta, clean their chicken house regularly and they’ll reward you with eggs. AMAZING!

My beautiful cute feathered friends who provide eggs for me

A couple of tips to avoid the dreaded rubberiness and instead achieve soft creamy curds:

  • use a heavy based frying pan or a non-stick one is preferable for easy cleaning
  • try to use butter to scramble eggs, not margarine as this can be a bit watery with poor flavour
  • use fresh eggs, free range ones if possible
  • don’t overbeat the eggs otherwise you’ll lose the soft texture you need for scrambled eggs
  • keep on an eye on your eggs while scrambling so you don’t overcook them and adjust the heat if needed
  • use a higher heat and stir less often if you want less creamy egg curds
  • use a wooden spoon with a flat or pointed end or spatula so you can reach the edges of the pan and minimise overcooking bits of egg
  • get someone else to toast your bread if your multitasking skills are a little on the poor side!
Just a final note, I want to dedicate this post to a lovely friend of mine, Jasmin, who introduced me to the delights of a luxury breakfast simply called “scrambled eggs on toast” many moons ago. I like my scrambled eggs slightly underdone and creamy because I have my very own reliable, fresh supply of eggs. Plus, to complete my breakfast, another essential item is a freshly brewed cup of tea. PERFECTION!
Here’s my version of scrambled eggs, simple yet satisfying.
Scrambled eggs a la Yum Yum Piggy’s Bum
Serves 1
2 large eggs
A knob of butter
1 tbsp single cream or creme fraiche (optional)
salt and pepper
chopped chives to garnish
  1. Preheat a non-stick pan on a low-medium heat depending on how you want your scrambled eggs to be cooked.
  2. Crack the eggs into a jug or bowl and beat with a fork until the whites are mixed with the yolks, do not overbeat otherwise there’ll be less air in the eggs and they won’t be as fluffy.
  3. Add the butter to the pan and wait until it has melted and has started to sizzle.
  4. For creamy scrambled eggs: make sure the heat is low, pour the eggs into the pan, wait for about 10 seconds when it has started to cook and use your spoon/spatula to push the egg to the centre of the pan. Tilt the pan so the egg runs to the edges of the pan and start stirring gently every 5 seconds, making sure you reach all the edges. This should take about 5 minutes to cook. When the eggs are almost done, take the pan off the heat, stir in the cream or creme fraiche and season with salt and pepper. For larger scrambled egg curds: make sure the heat is medium, pour the eggs into the pan, wait for about 10 seconds before stirring the egg gently so larger egg lumps are formed. Scrambling should be done for about 2 minutes until almost cooked. Take the pan off the the heat and season with salt and pepper.
  5. Serve with your favourite toasted bread.
4 Comments leave one →
  1. July 27, 2011 2:54 pm

    Your version of this recipe sounds very good! I usually use cream cheese instead of fresh cream. Give it a try, I am sure you will like it…

  2. July 27, 2011 4:55 pm

    Hi, thanks for your comment, I will definitely give your cream cheese idea a go!

  3. August 8, 2011 6:16 am

    Hai Dear

    This looks yummy….you have a lovely blog… You have so many wonderful recipes..I have bookmarked you blog and some recipe from that to try..Please check out my blog.I am having a Giveaway in my blog..Please check it out and partcipate in that..


  4. August 8, 2011 9:24 pm

    Hi Aarthi
    Thanks for reading my blog, it’s always great to hear from other food bloggers. Will check out your blog soon.

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